PLEASE NOTE: Fosters have 14 days to decide if they wish to “foster fail” and adopt their foster dog.
Meet Simon! Simon is an adorable 13 yr. old, 4 lb. Malti Poo who loves to cuddle, he came to us rescued from a puppy mill as part of Project Lonestar. His walk is elegant. Simon is up to date on vaccines, micro-chipped, crate trained, housebroken, and neutered. He is blind and is on daily medication for a heart murmur which doesn’t stop him from giving many kisses and love. With his other senses he will seek you out and greet you with a happy dance. Simon is content laying with you and with Suki to whom he is bonded with and must be adopted with. Simon has no teeth so soft food only for him. Simon would thrive best in a home where someone is home most of the time, no small children and only other pets that are very low keyed. He is tiny and fragile. It’s time for Simon and Suki to have a home together with security, safety and plenty of love which they deserve, could that be you