PLEASE NOTE: Fosters have 14 days to decide if they wish to “foster fail” and adopt their foster dog.
Meet Sid! Sid is a 1 year old, 15 lb., Chihuahua mix who is slowly finding his legs after coming to rescue from a backyard breeder. He is shy with new people at first, but quickly warms up and is absolutely a love bug. He loves to cuddle while he is napping and also wants to be in the same room as you no matter what you’re doing. He will follow his person around the house like a second little shadow. He has been doing well with crate training and will rest quietly in a crate while you are out of the house.
Sid is currently working on house training, but he is very intelligent and is picking it up quickly! He enjoys going for walks and has been learning polite leash manners; he is not a high energy dog so one or two short walks a day would be great for him. Sid has been doing well with male dogs and is indifferent to cats; he has been showing some aggression towards the female dog in his current foster’s home. He would do fine as an only dog or with another male dog of a similar size who he can play with. Sid is up to date on shots and will be neutered & microchipped prior to adoption.