
Status: Pending
Size: Large
Gender: Female
Breed: Shepherd mix
Color: Black & tan


PLEASE NOTE: Fosters have 14 days to decide if they wish to “foster fail” and adopt their foster dog.

🌟Meet Riley🌟

Riley is a 5 month old female German shepherd mix.  We think she’s potentially mixed with Australian cattle dog and/or Belgian Malinois, but not 100% certain.

PLEASE read her entire profile, if your family/living situation does not meet Riley’s needs, your application will not be considered.

Current weight – 30lbs

Full grown size – large, likely over 70lbs

Heartworm status – not tested due to age

Special medical 🏥 needs – needs to be spayed

🐶 friendly- yes with proper introduction. Gets along great with foster’s 2 dogs.

🐈 friendly- unknown

Kid friendly- yes, best with kids 10 and over due to her energy level and strength

House 🏠 Broken- about 90% there, needs to be let outside frequently to be successful but has kept her crate clean and dry for 6 hours overnight.

Crate trained- yes, goes in willingly with a treat and stays quiet

Leash trained- work in progress

Travels well in 🚗 – yes lays quietly when properly restrained in back seat

Energy level – (on a scale of 1-10, 1 being total couch 🥔 10 being the energizer 🐰) – typical puppy!  Probably about a 7/10.  She needs adequate exercise before she’s ready to relax and snuggle

Fenced yard required – yes, prey driven will chase after wildlife! 🐿️

Ideal family/ living situation- I think she would do best in a home with a job, farm dog, shop dog.  She focuses on her person intently and may make a good therapy dog.  Will do well in a very active family where someone is with her most of the time.  She is not the dog to leave home alone for 8 or more hours a day.  Someone in family should have working dog experience.

Favorite toys and activities. She loves playing 🎾 and keep away.  She will entertain herself with any stuffy and plays tug with other dogs.  Favorite all time activity is getting belly rubs!

Anything notable about personality – Riley is extremely smart 🤓and learns quickly. She is a typical working breed.  She is already very loyal and will probably require training.  Will do best with someone with experience with her breeds.

Think your home could be Riley’s perfect fit?  Please submit an application!