PLEASE NOTE: Fosters have 14 days to decide if they wish to “foster fail” and adopt their foster dog.
Welcome Momma Honey & 9 little honeycombs! Honey is a 3 year old, 70 lb. female, White Shepherd who was originally found on the side of the road, pregnant. Rescued & taken to one of our shelter partners in the South, she had a quiet safe place to give birth. The puppies; Catherine, Diana, Mary, Charlotte, Junior, Victoria, Anne, Elizabeth and Charles are now 10 weeks old and all, along with Momma Honey, are in Delaware & ready to find their furever homes!
All the puppies will be spayed/neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and put on monthly preventives. They’re German Shepherd mixes and expected to eventually be in the 60 to 70 lb. range.